In April we celebrated K.D. Elise Photography’s first anniversary. As part of the celebration, I held a Cutest Kid contest on Facebook and I was absolutely floored by the amount of entries that came in! I don’t think I could have been any more grateful that I didn’t have to choose a winner, all of the kids were adorable! Facebook fans voted directly on the K.D. Elise Photography page by liking their favorite photo and at the end of the voting period Alyjiah had the most votes!
Alyjiah’s mom and grandma brought him in to the studio a few weeks later. He warmed right up to the camera and gave us some great smiles!
I absolutely love this new nautical setup I just got in, it’s perfect for the little guys. Alyjiah had fun sitting in the little boat and kept using his toes to fiddle with the net.
Pueblo’s cutest kid also came dressed to celebrate the 4th of July. If you’ve ever tried to keep a hat on a baby’s head, you know that sometimes it’s darn near impossible (unless of course, it’s yours and you don’t want them wearing it). Alyjiah had to impress me, he made it through two setups with is hat still on before he pulled it off and threw it at me!
A very special thank-you to everyone who entered, voted in, or shared K.D. Elise Photography’s Cutest Kid contest. This will be an annual tradition, and I can’t wait to see all of the entries next year!
If you’d like to book your child’s session, please click the contact button to get in touch. K.D. Elise Photography is a Pueblo children’s photographer offering custom portraiture and is proud to serve Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Canon City and the entire Southern Colorado Region.