My oldest daughter is now twelve years old, she started playing soccer somewhere around age 5 which means we’ve been a sports family for seven years. With three kids playing volleyball, soccer, and now archery we’ve had our share of sports photography experiences. Over seven years and numerous seasons we’ve opened up envelopes to find good photos, bad photos and one season of particularly awful images of our young athletes.
Who says sports photos have to be boring? My daughter played volleyball this year for the first time. We are a homeschool family and this was the first time that she’d ventured out and joined a public school team. Sure her form still isn’t perfect, and like the other new kids on the team she spent more time on the bench than on the court. She worked her butt off though and I wanted to make sure we had photos that captured her very special first season and how proud her mama was of her.
Are you tired of the boring sports photos? Give me a call, as a photographer and a mom of three I know how important these memories are!