Back to School Mini Sessions | Pueblo Photography

If you’re the proud parent of a kiddo older than four or five, chances are you’ve had some experience with school picture day. You get your little darling all dressed up, hair perfectly done up and send them off to school.

Sometime later a packet comes home from school and you open it to find a photo of someone that bears only a slight resemblance to the little darling you sent off that morning. That cute hair has turned to frizz, there’s the remnants of a mustard stain on her new shirt and her face is smudged from the playground. It’s almost a rite of passage and each year the new 8×10 goes in the frame on top of the old one and gets placed on the wall.

I’m a homeschool mom. I have three kids ranging from Preschool through 7th grade. My kids haven’t attended a traditional school in years, but I do still want to celebrate the passage of time and the joys of a new school year.

This year I’m offering back to school mini sessions. These special sessions feature a red, wooden desk and a handful of vintage books. A few bright red apples round out the scene. Back to school mini sessions are perfect for the mom (or dad) who’s tired of being surprised with mustard stains and frizzy hair. They’re also perfect for homeschool parents like me.

I took my adorable model Ms. Kyndle out to get some test shots with the back to school set up, it’s her first year of school! She did great and I love her photos so much more than the traditional school photo!

If you’d like to schedule a back to school mini session featuring your little scholar, click here to get in touch.

Flyer advertising K.D. Elise Photography's back to school mini sessions.



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  • ShannonI think back-to-school sessions are such a great idea! So much better than the school portraits.ReplyCancel

  • JenelleLove the idea of back to school minis! Photos look fab!ReplyCancel

  • amanda myersLove the back to school mini photo sessions! A much better option than the typical school photographer’s shots. That’s a great deal, too!ReplyCancel

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Pueblo photographer K.D. Elise Photography's rainbow logo.

located in pueblo, colorado

also serving Colorado springs, canon city, moument, and surrounding areas